With energy savings and sustainability becoming crucial components of a modern roof system, the ability to recycle roofing products is growing in importance. During the past 18 months, the EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) Roofing Association (ERA) has been conducting… Read More
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EPDM Recover Favors Insulation Options
Professional roof consultants, in order to meet the needs of building owners, are becoming fully educated on energy spending, environmental issues, and restoration choices.
Extreme Makeover Aged EPDM Systems Can be Repaired and Restored Instead of Torn Off
EPDM can last past its expected life. The SKZ group in Germany has conducted a study on EPDM and found that its expected life is between 50 and 75 years.
Evaluating Ballasted Single-Ply Roof Systems
“Stone-ballasted membranes constitute about 10 percent of all newly constructed built-up and single-ply roofing systems, and many older systems continue to perform well in the low-slope roofing market. Unfortunately, in their zeal some structural engineers have confused the smaller and… Read More
Warranty Records Show EPDM Performing Well
A study that examined the warranty records of two major U.S. EPDM suppliers showed the cost of maintaining an EPDM roof over 10 years to be almost negligible.
Cool Roofing More Than a Black and White Debate Urban Heat Island Effect Trumping Insulation Argument
Energy efficiency is likely to be a simmering issue as August’s massive power outage promises to spark widespread debate over enacting an updated national energy policy. And while reflective, cool roofing surfaces remain a hot trend-especially in warm-weather climates-the goal… Read More
EPDM is A Flexible Choice for Today’s Roofing Solutions
“Since the early 1960s, the EPDM single-ply rubber roofing membrane has been an appealing choice in the commercial roofing industry. EPDM manufacturers have ensured the product’s success by continually investing in technological innovations to improve both overall performance and installation… Read More
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