“There are lots of factors that will influence your choices for your upcoming roofing projects, including satisfaction with what is in place and the guidance of local roofing contractors and roofing consultants. With a little luck, you will achieve that… Read More
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EPDs at a Glance
A new supplement to Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) offers a faster way to compare environmental impact information. Read full article.
The Cost of Green Building
An in-depth study of 22 green federal buildings across the U.S. showed that on average, the representative buildings chosen from GSA’s regularly outperformed the national averages of building performance data.
Evolution of Green Rating Programs
As standards in specific categories of building products are developed, green design programs typically point to those standards as the benchmarks in various credit areas. Most government agencies, when looking to establish guidelines for greening their facilities, will first look… Read More
Researchers Identify Green Building Risks
“LEED Certified buildings have an injury rate 9% higher than traditional construction projects, finds a study by the University of Colorado.”
Outline of Green Codes and Standards
An outline of SHRAE Standard 90.1, ASHRAE Standard 189.1, International Energy Conservation CODE (IECC), International Green Construction Code (IGCC), and National Green Building Standard (NGBS).
EPDM, Sustainability, and the Environment
What material can support a vehicle going 120 mph through a steaming desert and still be flexible at -45 degrees C. (-49 degrees F.)? For roofing applications, materials must also have a high degree of weatherability – especially resistance to… Read More
New Ways of Defining Cool Roofs
Currently, cool roofs comply with the U.S Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR@ roofing products standards. In addition, U.S. states (such as California, through its Title 24 Energy Code [CEC]) prescribe cool roofs as part of the base case building… Read More
Cool Roofing A 10 Year Retrospective
In the mid-1980s, DuPont developed an energy calculator, which some manufacturers of light-colored membranes used as a marketing tool for their products. The high cost of light-colored membranes, though, was a substantial hindrance to widespread acceptance.