ERA Associate Executive Director Ellen Thorp has published a piece in Roofing Magazine that discusses the issues with mandating cool roofs in different climate zones. From the article: “Although the headlines are touting Los Angeles’ cool roof requirements, I’d like… Read More
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Regulations, Codes & Standards
ERA Takes Issue With Proposed EPA Guidelines
“Hoff and the ERA are not trying to start a war with the EPA. In fact, it’s just the opposite. The association applauded the EPA for listening to the expertise of the impacted industries as it establishes its standards. Thorp… Read More
State Regulations Concerning Emissions of VOCs from Adhesives and Sealants.
ERA has published a chart outlining the most current state regulations concerning emissions of VOC’s from Adhesives and Sealants. The chart can be found by clicking the link below.
Evolution of Green Rating Programs
As standards in specific categories of building products are developed, green design programs typically point to those standards as the benchmarks in various credit areas. Most government agencies, when looking to establish guidelines for greening their facilities, will first look… Read More
Outline of Green Codes and Standards
An outline of SHRAE Standard 90.1, ASHRAE Standard 189.1, International Energy Conservation CODE (IECC), International Green Construction Code (IGCC), and National Green Building Standard (NGBS).
Cost/Benefit Analysis Critical in Development of Codes and Standards
“As reported during the recent meeting of BOMA’s Building Codes and Voluntary Standards Committee, the economic impact of adopting the latest editions of model codes and standards is receiving heightened scrutiny by state and local governments, as well as agencies… Read More
States Implement VOC Regulations
The roofing industry in several Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states became fully compliant with new Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) regulations Jan 1. Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Washington, D.C., came into full compliance; Vermont… Read More
ERA Helps Roofing Industry Prepare for VOC Regulations
The start of the new year marked an important date for many commercial roofers that significantly will impact how their jobs are completed.
VOC Regulations Stalled in New England
“New volatile organic compound (VOC) regulation implementation scheduled for Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and the District of Columbia will not go into effect this year as expected. VOCs found in roofing sealants and adhesives are regulated by the Environmental Protection… Read More
Roofpoint Guidelines Hone Industry’s Best Practices
“For many years, an environmentally responsible roof only meant one that was reflective and therefore could save owners money on air conditioning costs.”