ERA Statement on Racial Equality and Justice

The EPDM Roofing Association (ERA) supports the evolving national debate designed to move us towards a more equitable society, where justice is guaranteed for every individual. Working with our allied groups like NRCA, our commitment as members of the roofing industry is that we will continue to be a force for positive change through actions such as expanded recruitment and training initiatives. Our hope is that as a united American people we can forge a future where none of us will suffer from discrimination of any kind, and where opportunities to prosper are available for all.

One Response to “ERA Statement on Racial Equality and Justice”

  1. Ian Barrow

    Thank you for standing in support of the very large demographic that is often undervalued and taken for granted….one that is very well represented on your many manufacturing lines and job sites but rarely any further up the corporate ladders.

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