Seasonal hydroclimatic impacts of Sun Corridor expansion

Although an overall world population increase of 2.3 billion is projected by 2050 relative to 2011, urban growth is estimated at 2.6 billion, as urban complexes, in addition to absorbing all of the world’s additional inhabitants, are expected to draw in 0.3 billion rural residents [1]. To meet the ever-increasing population-driven demand of urban infrastructure during the next few decades, substantial conversion of natural landscapes to urban land forms is anticipated [2]. The landscape modification associated with
emergence and expansion of large urban agglomerations will necessarily modify the surface radiation and moisture balance,with implications for local and regional hydroclimate. Considering the likely prospects of future urban growth, research addressing hydroclimatic consequences of emerging
and expanding megapolitan areas is essential to provide guidance for city planners, and energy and water providers, focused on undeniably sustainable development paths with minimum environmental consequences.